Boot More Quickly in Windows XP,Vista And 7

Written by JM January 10, 2010

startup delayer



It’s been a rumor that Windows 7 boots quicker than other Windows versions. Is this really a rumor or a fact? The answer is YES but only a little. The more programs you installed, then the slower the PC will start or boot.  Your PC is like in a street where in if there are more cars in a lane then it will take more time for everyone on the lane.


We have the answer to your PC that boots slowly. It is no other than – Startup Delayer!


Startup Delayer is a tool that tells the startup program you select to sit tight, be patient and ran a little bit later after the traffic is done. The result is that your PC will boot quickly.


This presents all your startup programs. To set a delay for a specific program then drag it the item at the bottom. Drag it to the left to decrease the delay and the right to increase it.


A good news is that it’s a freebie. Meaning no charges at all! Say goodbye now to your slow booting PC you have.

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