Make the Internet 100 / 1000 Times Faster

Written by JM June 30, 2010

Can you believe that there's now a way to make the Internet 100 or even 1000 times faster? 

A group of MIT researchers led by Vincent Chan, has found and demonstrated a new way of organizing optical networks that would fasten the conversion process in the Internet. Thus, making the Internet 100/1000 times faster and at the same time, reducing the amount of energy that will be used. Faster Internet and less energy consumption for it is a great advancement in the world of science and technology.

According to Mashable, the concept is to eliminate or reduce the most time-intensive part of data transmission, which involves converting an optical signal into an electrical signal for memory storage. Memory storage is required whenever multiple optical signals arrive at the same router at the same time, requiring said router to convert and store the extra signals coming in until they can be properly processed.

According to Physorg, Chan’s approach, called “flow switching,” solves this problem in a different way. Between locations that exchange large volumes of data — say, Los Angeles and New York City — flow switching would establish a dedicated path across the network. For certain wavelengths of light, routers along that path would accept signals coming in from only one direction and send them off in only one direction. Since there’s no possibility of signals arriving from multiple directions, there’s never a need to store them in memory.

Note : This will make us download a full HD DVD Movie for only 2 seconds.

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